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Alyssa Mathews

Certified Consultant

(478) 808-0782

My Story

This is my STORY. This is my WHY.

I am a native Central Georgian, Mother to 3, an avid book reader and someone who loves shoes & makeup entirely too much - yes it’s an addiction.

I began my Scentsy journey almost three years ago after going through a divorce. My marriage wasn’t an easy, healthy or happy one. That journey was one of the most painful roads that I’ve ever traveled and along the way I lost Alyssa. I honestly didn’t know who I was anymore and I desperately wanted to get to know her again. I wanted the experience of meeting new people. I wanted to be able to develop new bonds and friendships. I wanted to reconnect with old friends whom I hadn’t spoken to in years. Scentsy made that all possible by providing me with an amazing platform to accomplish those things, all while sharing my love of their product!

I am so excited to be on this journey. I am so excited that you are here and want to possibly be a part of that. But, I am also excited to be on your journey! Side by side with you on your path to discovering, or continuing your love affair with, these fabulous products.

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